Via Val Tesino, 26 +39 073590358
BTR twisted plastic nets

BTR twisted plastic nets

BTR twisted plastic nets have a life span of 220% longer than the standard twisted in the dry state and 69% longer than the wet state.


The reason for the properties of the high resistance of BTR nets is given by the addition of a special additive that gives high abrasion resistance properties, giving a darker color to the net compared to the normal plastic fishing nets with knots.

BTR nets are destined to have dark colors due to the color of the additive used.

BTR nets have about 30/40% better abrasion resistance property than normal plastic nets.


Availability of BTR network securities:

  • 4×3
  • 5×3
  • 6×3
  • 8×3
  • 10×3
  • 12×3
  • 15×3


To know all the availability of BTR plastic nets: check our warehouse!


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