Via Val Tesino, 26 +39 073590358
morsetti zincati - accessori ferramenta - mediterraneareti (Galvanized cable clamps)

Galvanized cable clamps

Galvanized cable clamps are suitable for tightening ropes, cables, wire ropes, and steel ropes.

How to choose and use the Galvanized cable clamps:

  • Clamps must be chosen according to the diameter of the rope to be used and the material of the used cable/rope.

  • The cable clamps must be installed correctly. HOW? Positioning the U-bolts on the returned section of the ropes (incorrect assembly can reduce the resistance to the breaking load of the rope by about 60%)

  • The operating temperature is allowed between -20 ° C and + 80 ° C (these galvanized clamps are perfect for works in highly corrosive and hostile environments, such as the marine/nautical sector)
  • Clamps that lose their original geometric shape or that do not have the tightening torque applied constantly must be changed, to maintain the high safety standard level recommended by the manufacturer. Any visible deformation of the clamp results in a reduction in its reliability on the job.




The image shows the correct installation of the galvanized terminals, where ‘ERRATO’ means ‘wrong’ showing an incorrect terminal configuration; while ‘CORRETTO’ means ‘CORRECT’ showing the proper installation/configuration of the clamps.

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